This general course is compulsory for Muslim students of UPI. In this course, students learn about basic knowledge of the teachings of Islam which will used as the basis of values, way of thinking, and behavior in their field of knowledge and profession. The students will study about  methodologies in understanding Islam, people and religion, sources of Islamic teachings, faith (iman), worship (ibadah), piety (taqwa), marriage and inheritance, management and utilization of property, sect and school of thoughts in Islam, morals, da’wah amar ma’ruf nahi munkar, jihad in the way of Allah, and leadership.  In addition to the mastery of these materials, student must pass Islamic Study tutorial activities and be able to read Al-Qur’an.


Pancasila Education is a compulsory general course for all UPI students. This course discusses: Introduction to Pancasila Education; Historical Review of Pancasila: History of the Formulation of Pancasila and the Function of Pancasila; Historical Review of Pancasila: The Relationship between Pancasila and the Proclamation of Independence and the Preamble of the 1945 Constitution, The Elaboration of Pancasila in the 1945 Constitution; Historical Review of Pancasila: Dynamics and Challenges of Pancasila in the Life of the Nation and the State; Pancasila as a View of Life and the Foundation of the State: Dynamics and Challenges of Pancasila as a View of Life and the Foundation of the State; Pancasila as a System of Philosophy; Pancasila as State Ideology: Definition and Urgency of Pancasila as State Ideology; Pancasila as an Ethical System; Pancasila as the basis of values ​​in the development of science. The learning strategies used in this course are: expository, discussion, question and answer, and case study.

Civic Education is a compulsory general course for all UPI students. This course discusses: Introduction to Civics Education; National Identity (The concept and urgency of national identity, the elements, dynamics and challenges of national identity); National integration (the concept and urgency of national integration, historical, juridical, and sociological basis; The dynamics and challenges of national integration; The concept and urgency of the constitution, and also the historical, sociological, and political sources of the constitution in the life of the nation and state of Indonesia; The dynamics and challenges to the constitution of the Republic of Indonesia; Human Rights and Rule of Law; Democracy in Indonesia; Archipelago insight; Implementation of Archipelago insights; Resistance. The learning strategies used in this course are: Literature inquiry (offline & online), class discussion, and civics project.


Indonesian Language Education is a compulsory general course for all UPI students. This course discusses: Development of the Indonesian language and Indonesian Language today; Variety of languages ​​and their characteristics; Diction or choice of words: Definition, Terms, The connotative word and the denotative word, General and specific words, Concrete words and abstract words. Word formation, Errors in word formation and choice, Phrases/idiomatic; Indonesian spelling: Definition, Scope, Writing letters, Writing words; Writing abbreviations and acronyms, Writing numbers, Writing punctuations; Effective sentence: Definition, Terms, Basic Sentence patterns, Sentence types; Paragraph: Definition, Structure, Terms, Types, Development; Scientific essay: Definition, Type, Terms, Organization; Papers: Definition of Papers, Types, Terms, Organization; Research Report: Definition, Types, Terms, Organization; Scientific Journal Articles: Definition, Types, Terms, Organization; Reasoning: Definition, Deductive reasoning, Inductive reasoning, Incorrect definitions; Scientific presentation: Definition, Type, Ethics. The learning strategies used in this course are: Presentation, Discussion, Quiz, and Practice.

Physical Education and Sports is a compulsory general course for all UPI students. In this course, the students will discuss: Physical fitness related to health and skills and Physical activity and classification of physical activity levels; Components of the physical fitness test using the Adult Fitness Test; Use and benefits of the IPAQ/International Physical Activity Questionnaire) and Analysis of physical fitness status and physical activity level; Components of physical fitness related to health and resting, exercise, and maximum pulse rates; Body Mass Index (BMI) and BMI classification, Components of physical fitness related to health; Components of physical fitness related to health: Various activities of endurance strength (muscular endurance), The benefits of warm-up and cool-down during physical activity; Static, dynamic, and PNF flexibility activities (individual-pair), Components of physical fitness related to health: Muscle strength activity using various media; Components of physical fitness related to skills, agility, speed, and reaction; Components of physical fitness related to skills, balance, coordination and power, calories and physical activity; Components of physical fitness related to skills, through the invasion game activity, The concept of playing basketball/football, communication, fair play, leadership and teamwork in game sports; Components of physical fitness related to skills, through field or net play activities, the concept of playing softball/castle/volleyball/badminton/table tennis, communication, fair play, leadership and teamwork in game sports; Analysis of hand movements, leg movements, body positions, and exhalations of various swimming styles; The basic principles of a fitness activity program, FITT formula in fitness activities. The learning strategies used in this course are: Practice, Discussion, Question and answer.


Art Education is a general course for all UPI student. In this course, students will discuss: art elements and art in society, meanings and symbols of art; performing arts in Indonesia; Knowledge of the art of dances, elements of dance, meaning and symbols of dance, the function of the dance art; Understanding the art of music, the function of music, meaning and symbols of music; Appreciating musical work or musical activities, articles on music; The basic of appreciation of fine art in general; Appreciation of fine arts works (painting); Appreciation of fine arts works (craft); Appreciation of fine arts works (sculpture);  Appreciation of performing arts. The learning strategies used in this course are: lecture, discussion, question-answer, and case study.

Islam Religious Education Seminar is a general course for all Muslim students. The prerequisites for the participants are: having passed the Islamic Study course, being in minimum semester 5, having passed the Islam Religious Education Seminar. In this course, students will discuss: Basic concept of educational policies; Islam and education; Islam and culture; Islam and Da’wah; Islam and politics; Islam and economics; Islam and law; Islam and technology; Islam and disciplines of science. The learning strategies used in this course are: seminar, collaborative learning, contextual teaching and learning, and problem-based learning.

The Community Service Program is the appropriate learning tool for students. This course as a curricular program aims to: (1) train students in applying science, technology, arts, and culture obtained in the university to be applied in solving problems in the community, (2) train and develop soft skills and student character, (3) train students to understand the conditions of the community both in rural and urban areas, so that students have sensitivity and concern for people who need assistance, and (4) prepare future leaders of the nation who side with honesty, justice, truth, and the poor.

The Community Service Program course aims to: (1) train students in solving development problems in the community, (2) train students in planning, implementing, and evaluating a program in the community, and (3) explore various community conditions as feedback for universities in the development of the Tri Dharma of higher education institutions.


This is a basic educational course aiming to make students to have broad insight about the meaning, function, and types of foundations of education, and to practice them in formal education, non-formal education, and informal education. In this course, students will discuss: definition, function, and types of foundations of education, human nature as education assumption; definitions of education; education as science and art; philosophical foundations of education; psychological foundations of education; sociological and anthropological foundations of education; historical foundations of education; and juridical foundations of education. The learning strategies used in this course are: lecture, discussion, question–answer, and case study.

The Educational Psychology and Guidance is a compulsory course for all students in the educational sciences discipline. In this course, students will discuss the foundation of educational psychology concepts as the basis in educating and guiding. Students will also learn about: 1) educational psychology in theory and practice, 2) the characteristics of effective teacher in the educational psychology perspective, 3) students development, 4) students learning, 5) learning motive and motivation development, 6) the basic concept of guidance and counselling, 7) approaches, strategies, and techniques in guidance, 8) diagnostic of learning difficulties and remedial teaching, 9) guidance-based learning, and 10) educational evaluation and guidance assessment. Students will learn in an inquiry and discovery learning approach through lecture and task, individual learning, reflective dialogue, and group discussion. The evaluation focuses on the process and result of the learning through evaluation on class activities, assignments, papers, midterm examination, and final examination.

This course equips prospective teacher students and education staff with curriculum and learning which includes the nature of the curriculum (position, meaning, function, and role of the curriculum); curriculum components; foundations for curriculum development; principles of curriculum development; curriculum approaches and models; curriculum evaluation and innovation; the nature of learning; learning components; learning and learning principles; learning models; and innovation in the implementation of learning. This course is compulsory for all students in the educational study program

The learning emphasizes student activities through discussion or problem-solving activities and optimizing the search for relevant and up-to-date learning resources, including sources from the internet. Problem discussion is carried out jointly by the lecturers and students, ending with the elaboration of the material by the lecturer in charge of the course.

The Education Management course explains the importance of the process of providing education and implementing the main tasks of education in schools/educational institutions to be managed professionally, effectively, efficiently, transparently, and accountably. The scope of the Education Management course is the concepts, functions, roles, theoretical perspectives, and principles of education management that underlie the implementation of education. Schools as an organizational structure are analyzed as a rational system such as the Machine Model, and a natural system such as the Organic Model. Pragmatically, the Educational Management course discusses several selected topics such as: philosophy of education administration, educational organization, school management, educational leadership, curriculum implementation management, management of educators and education personnel, student management, management of facilities and infrastructure, management of education financing, education marketing management, education partnership management, entrepreneurship management, education supervision, education information system, and education quality improvement management.


Pedagogic is a Faculty Based Professional Course. This course leads students to understand the concept of the importance of pedagogy for educators; status and characteristics of pedagogy; human as educational creatures; meaning of education based on the analysis of educational phenomena; authorities and responsibilities of education; definition, function, and goals of education; the essence of student and educator; education contents and efforts; and the education environment. The learning strategies in this course are: expository, student presentation, classroom discussion, and case study.

The Educational Policy and Innovation course is compulsory for all students in the Faculty of Education, considering that as prospective educators and education staff, they must be able to understand educational policies and innovations in general and the policy process and educational innovation in every educational unit, in all levels, stages, and types of education that have been determined by the government, in particular.

The discussion in Education Policy and Innovation course, relates to the basic concepts of educational innovation, innovation models in education management, development of learning innovations, innovation development strategies so that educational policies and innovations can run in accordance with the expected goals at the macro, meso, and micro levels.

This course is a development course from the Education Management course. After completing this course, students are expected to be able to explain the basic concepts of innovation, educational innovation models, implementation of innovation in learning, and innovation development strategies. In this course, the basic concepts of innovation, development of educational innovation in the management of education and learning are also discussed. The course uses an expository approach in the form of lectures and questions and answers which are complemented by the use of LCD, videos, and an inquiry approach, namely the completion of assignments and presentation of papers, book and journal reviews, discussions, and problem solving. Students’ mastery is evaluated through Mid Term Examination and Final Examination and also task evaluation, presentation, and discussion.

This course discusses the basic concepts, nature of philosophy, historical aspects, and legal aspects of inclusive education, the philosophy implications on inclusive education, understanding of inclusive education and welcoming-schools, development of inclusive education, national and international legal policy document as a basis of inclusive education, concept of student diversity, curriculum accommodation, accessibility and learning environment, learning strategies in inclusive classroom settings, assessment procedures and evaluation of student learning outcomes in inclusive classroom settings, Individual Education Program (IEP), inclusive education support systems, and inclusive school’s management. To complete the theoretical study, students are given the assignment in groups to conduct field study doing observations and to gather data to know the issues in implementation of inclusive education in early childhood education setting (kindergarten school).


This course leads students to understand the concepts related to the nature of teaching and learning process, the principles of learning in kindergarten, the components of learning, the nature of learning strategies, various strategies and learning methods used in Early Childhood Education in general, and how to apply them in the learning process.

ICT Literacy and Instructional Media in Early Childhood Education is a Study Program-Based Course. This course leads student to understand: the concept of learning media and resources in early childhood education; classification of learning media and resources; selection of learning media and resources; identification the needs for learning media and resources; design of simple and appropriate media in early childhood education institution, production of learning media and educational toys for young learners; evaluation of learning media and resources; environment as learning media and resources; development of learning media and learning resources centers.

This course discusses various matters related to assessment in early childhood education settings. The concept of assessment in the curriculum, the implementation of assessment carried out in the field, and also theoretical studies regarding various approaches and implementation in assessing learning processes in early childhood education settings.

This course leads students to understand the concepts related to instructional planning in the context of the curriculum, variables and principles of instructional design, components of instructional planning in Early Childhood Education; types of instructional planning, and the development of various planning programs in Early Childhood Education


This course discusses the definition, rationale, objectives, scope, characteristics, and functions of children’s education. Furthermore, it also explores about the approaches, the role of the teacher/educator, developments, and problems in early childhood education programs. To improve understanding, related policies regarding early childhood education in Indonesia are also discussed.

This course discusses about children’s physical, motoric, language, and cognitive developments; the concept of intelligence, Piaget’s principles of cognitive development, Vygotsky’s principles of cognitive development, Representation models (Preoperational, Transductive reasoning, preoperational, classification, memory, perception, and concepts of time, space, and numbers), facilitating cognitive development, children cognitive development problems, children’s creativity, creativity development strategies in early childhood, children’s language development, language acquisition theory according to biological prewriting, behavioristic, and interactionist approaches, stages of language development, influencing factors of language development, and strategies in early childhood language skills development.


This course discusses: basic concepts, characteristics and status of the teaching profession, code of ethics for the teaching profession, professional characteristics of early childhood educators, professions and types of problems of the early childhood educator profession, efforts to overcome problems of the early childhood educator profession, and also coaching and professional development of early childhood educators. In addition, it also discusses the types of competencies based on juridical and scientific aspects, and skills that early childhood educators must possess.


This course aims to make students master the concepts and theories of the ECE curriculum in various types of services, and be able to apply them in practice in ECE educational institutions, and be able to analyze the implementation of ECE curriculum development in the field. Materials for this course include principles of early childhood development and learning, basic concepts of curriculum, daycare curriculum, playgroup curriculum, and Education Unit Level curriculum. In addition, students will learn the basic concepts of integrated learning and how to develop integrated learning for early childhood.

This course discusses Social, Emotion, Moral, and Spiritual Development of Young Learner’s which includes: the nature and tasks of child development, factors affecting child growth and development, characteristics of children’s social development, inter and intrapersonal abilities as part of children’s social and emotional development, Strategies for developing children’s social abilities, developing children’s emotions, attachment as part of children’s emotional development, the limbic system as an important element in children’s emotional development, strategies for developing children’s emotional abilities, children’s moral development, Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, the concept of karimah morality in an Islamic perspective, children’s moral development strategy, children’s religious development, and supporting and inhibiting factors of children’s religion and children’s spiritual development strategies.

Through structured activities in the form of lectures, questions and answers, discussions, presenting creations of various sentence structures based on Error Recognition sessions, and collecting diction from selected discourse sources, students have the competence to understand reading, describe the contents of reading in English, verbally or written, in accordance with the desired tips through paraphrasing. An understanding of the technique of writing short to long discourses is given to students with the use of the simple, compound, and compound-complex sentences in paragraph writing by considering the cohesion-coherence factors, and organizing ideas into essays paragraph by paragraph.

This course describes the concepts and skills of early childhood physical motor development, which include: the concept of physical development and motor development, role and function motor skills, factors influencing the development of early childhood physical-motor skills, physical/motor development models, learning methods that support physical/motor development, handling motor learning difficulties and play therapy, identification/analysis of motor development infrastructure, various activities and games for early childhood, and assessment of physical/motor development motor skills in Kindergarten/ECE.

This course discusses the learning environment management which includes: the importance of providing a conducive learning environment for early childhood; the concept of learning environment management; indoor learning environment management strategy; outdoor learning environment management strategy; elements that play an important role in learning environment management; and factual information through observation of the learning environment and also simulations and practice of structuring the learning environment.

This course discusses the theory and concept of Music Education for Early Childhood, the function and meaning of music in education, character education and psychology of child development through music education, curriculum analysis, approaches, strategies, methods, media, and evaluation of learning Music for Early Childhood, integrated and thematic learning (integrated curriculum) that relates the fields of dance, literature, visual arts, and other subjects, analysis of teaching materials for Music Education for Early Childhood, children’s songwriting, knowledge of instrument tools and materials, application of exploration activities, expressions and appreciation through audio stimulus, visual and ideas, observation and analysis of music learning for children in formal schools, designing music lesson plans for early childhood education, implementing music learning for early childhood.


This is a prerequisite course that students must master. This course discusses the basic concepts, principles, tasks, and stages of child development. Several approaches in developmental psychology are also discussed, namely psychoanalytic, behaviorism, humanism, and cognitive psychology approaches. This course also discusses how the cognitive and language development of early childhood and the implementation of development in early childhood education

This course contains the concept of art and arts education, the curriculum of Arts Education for early childhood, approaches and methods of learning visual arts, the development of children’s art, the practice of creating two-dimensional and three-dimensional art, criticism and appreciation learning models; evaluation of art learning, and also planning and organizing art exhibitions.


This course discusses the definition and objectives of social studies, the basic concepts of social studies for early childhood, the direction and scope of social studies for early childhood, concepts of Indonesia Heritage (caring for the homeland – Bhineka Tunggal Ika society in Indonesia, the wealth of natural resources) and its implementation in ECE, ECE development based on geography and region and its implementation in ECE, ECE Program Services in 3T (disadvantaged, frontier, and outermost) areas conceptually and its implementation, solutions and development strategies, Education of Disaster and Mitigation, sex education in ECE and its implementation, ECE services for underprivileged families, and design of social studies programs in ECE and its implementation in the field,

This course discusses the definition and rationale of science education for early childhood, the nature and scope of science, the objectives and benefits of science learning, approaches and strategies, development of science programs, evaluation of science learning, qualifications of science teachers, science for children with special needs, and scientific problems and solutions.

This course discusses the development, problems, and traditions of mathematics learning for early childhood; basic concepts of mathematics for early childhood; mathematics learning based on Piaget’s cognitive theory; standard content of the mathematics curriculum for early childhood; the standard process of mathematics curriculum for early childhood; areas, teaching aids, and technology in learning mathematics for early childhood; strategies and methodologies for mathematics learning for early childhood; evaluation of learning mathematics for early childhood; and application of mathematics learning for early childhood.

This course discusses social, emotional, moral, and religious development which includes: The nature and tasks of child development, factors affecting child growth and development; characteristics of children’s social development; interpersonal and intrapersonal abilities as part of children’s social and emotional development, strategies for developing children’s social abilities, developing children’s emotions, attachment as part of children’s emotional development, the limbic system as an important element in children’s emotional development, strategies for developing children’s emotional abilities, children’s moral development, Kohlberg’s theory of moral development, the concept of karimah morality in an Islamic perspective, children’s moral development strategy, children’s religious development, supporting and inhibiting factors of children’s religion, and children’s religious development strategies.

In general, this course discusses the basic concepts of play for early childhood which include: definition of play, characteristics of play, classical play theories, contemporary play theory, stages of play development, benefits of play, safety of play, types of play, macro & micro role playing, playful teaching learning, and implementation of play-based learning models.

Child Rights and Protection is one of the core courses of the study program. This course leads students to master topics about: the basic concept of children rights; the international, national, and local instruments of law on child rights; the historical background of child rights discourses and the changing process of the sociological concept of childhood; the basic principles of the Convention of the Child Rights: provision, best interest of the child, protection, and participation and case analysis of violation of the principles in educational practices; designing appropriate environment to accommodate children’s needs and a safe educational environment for children; designing mechanisms of public campaigns to increase comprehensive understanding about child rights; designing and implementation a monitoring and evaluation system to ensure provision and protection of children in educational settings.

This course discusses the basic concepts of issues in handling children’s problems, handling techniques, basic concepts of communication and effective communication techniques. The topics covered are: typical development of early childhood, playing attention to early childhood development, overview of developmental theories according to experts, definition of early childhood developmental problems; the background to the emergence of early childhood problems; factors that influence the emergence of developmental problems in early childhood; types of early childhood problems; procedures for handling early childhood problems; definition of identification of early childhood problems; localization of problems (identification techniques, tool examples, analysis, ratio); handling techniques for early childhood problems; the parties involved in handling early childhood problems; effective communicator; field studies on early childhood problems according to procedures.


This course provides an introduction to descriptive statistics for research purposes. More specifically, this course provides information on the basic concepts of statistics, concepts and types of data, frequency distribution, graphs and diagrams, trend of center position, normal distribution, correlation, and regression.

This course discusses the history, policies, and various model concepts related to the implementation and learning of ECE. The early childhood models discussed are: High/Scope education model, Vygotskian education model, Bank Street education model, Project approach model, Pyramid education model, Regio Emilia education model, Montessori education model, Waldorf approach education model, Ki Hajar Dewantara education model, The Child-centered (CRI) education model, and Beyond Center and Circle Time education model.

The Dance for Young Learners course is one of the ’Study Program’s professional courses. The aim is to improve pedagogical and professional competence in the field of dance education, especially for early childhood education. The contents of the course include understanding dance in the context of early childhood education, dance learning materials specifically packaged for early childhood children, understanding children’s psychological development, strategies to help students develop aesthetic sensitivity, ability to explore, express and appreciate through audio-visual stimuli in the form of sounds, the environment, through fairy tales and stories, and also everyday events in the student’s environment, kinesthetic stimulation through simple movements and critical and creative thinking and the ability to absorb values, and ways to evaluate dance education for early childhood. Through various learning methods, especially prioritizing direct practice in ECE institutions, students will gain an understanding of the theory and practice of learning methodologies for creative dance education. Thus, students can analyze teaching materials, design dance lessons for early childhood children, and apply them in the form of peer teaching. Evaluation is done through observation, written test, portfolio, and practice of teaching dance to children.

This course is intended to foster students understanding of the basic concepts of health, nutrition, and safety for early childhood, including definitions, characteristics of healthy children, physical activity, hygiene and sanitation, various infectious diseases, immunizations, monitoring growth and development of children aged 0-6 years, and the safety of young children. This course also discusses first aid for children’s accidents, nutrition science (nutrients of carbohydrates, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, fiber), nutritional benefits, nutritional deficiencies, assessment of nutritional status, balanced and healthy nutrition for children, healthy school supplies, diseases due to nutritional disorders (malnutrition), and also compiling the diet for early childhood, practicing children’s meal menus (breakfast, lunch, and supplies) and perform nutritional analysis calculations.

This course leads students to understand the concepts related to the basic concepts of communication, the purpose and function of communication, types of communication, effective communication, quality of communicators, communication principles in early childhood education, communication strategies with early childhood, fellow teachers and parents, and s problems in communication. 

This course provides entrepreneurial insight and motivation, basic technical skills to develop fields/businesses to improve living standards/welfare and business interests, and also simple practical provisions for entrepreneurship through planning practices and business development simulations.

This course discusses the importance of educational toys for early childhood, the concept of educational toys, educational toys for gross motor development, educational toys for fine motor development, educational toys for cognitive development, educational toys for language development, inventory of educational toys in early childhood education institutions, design of educational toys, manufacture of educational toys for gross motor development, manufacture of educational toys for fine motor development, manufacture of educational toys for cognitive development, manufacture of educational toys for language development, assessment of educational toys, and maintenance and care of educational toys.

This course leads students to understand the concepts related to the nature of teaching and learning process, the principles of learning in kindergarten, the components of learning, the nature of learning strategies, various strategies and learning methods used in Early Childhood Education in general, and how to apply them in the learning process.

This course is an introduction to research methods in early childhood education settings. Specifically, it explains about basic concept of research methods, types of research methods, research ethics, conducting literature review, developing research hypothesis, conducting statistical analysis, selecting research sample, developing research instrument, measuring research validity and reliability, experimental design research, ex-post facto research, correlational research, survey research, qualitative research, case study research, ethnography, and action research. Upon completion of the course, students are expected to be able to develop a research proposal.

This course contains the basic concepts of inferential statistics, hypothesis and hypothesis testing, single mean difference test (t test), single mean difference test (z test), two independent sample mean difference test, two-tailed difference test. dependent sample mean, one-way analysis of variance (F test), non-parametric statistics, Chi Square, Spearman Rank correlation test, Wilcoxon test, and Mann Whitney test, and SPSS application.

The Research Proposal Seminar course is a compulsory course for students of PGPAUD Study Program. By studying this course, students are expected to be able to understand and explain the basic concepts of research methodology, formulate research questions, understand the concept of research ethics, understand and explain quantitative research, understand and explain qualitative research, write a research proposal, and present a research proposal. The learning strategies use are: lecture, problem-based learning, case study, mini survey, and student’s presentations.

Minor Thesis (undergraduate/bachelor thesis), are scientific writings made as one of the requirements in completing a study taken by students. Minor Thesis is one of the requirements for completing the undergraduate program (S-1), The writing quality of the minor thesis is a reflection of the students’ academic abilities in designing, implementing, and reporting research results. The scope of the minor thesis is: background of the research problem; formulation of research problems; the research objectives; the benefit/significance of research; the organizational structure of the thesis; the literature review section in a minor thesis (1) The main concepts, theories, propositions, laws, models, and formulas and their derivatives in the field; (2) Previous research that is relevant to the field under study, including   procedures, subjects, and findings; (3) The theoretical position of the researcher with regard to the problem under study); research methods (Research design, participants, population and sample or research subject, research instrument, research procedure, and data analysis; findings and discussion. Student are also expected to able to formulate the conclusions, implications, and recommendations.


This course discusses the definition and scope of children with special needs, education for children with special needs, adaptive learning, theoretical concepts about the characteristics and factors causing special needs types in children, characteristics and problems of psychological development of children with special needs, guidance services, modification and learning approaches for children with special needs, and also the practice of designing learning programs for children with special needs (Individual Education Program).

The English for Early Childhood Course introduces the basic concepts and problems in the teaching of English for early childhood. This course also discusses the characteristics of early childhood, verbal and auditory skills, learning applications through games, songs, and stories, the use of media in learning English, the use of classroom language, and the problems in Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL).

This course discusses the basic concepts of child growth and development, which include the notion of growth and development, factors that affect growth and development and aspects of early childhood development. Furthermore, it provides understanding of the milestone development, the concept of early detection of growth and development, the concept of assessment of early childhood growth and development, various tools to detect or screening tools for child development (Denver Developmental Screening Test, Bayley Test, Kartu Menuju Sehat, etc.), stimulation for early intervention, the concept of referral mechanisms in the early childhood detection process, and practice to design assessment tools (early detection) of early childhood growth and development (6 aspects of development).

This course provides a foundation of knowledge and insight into the methodology of learning to read the Al-Quran, so that students are skilled and able to teach Al-Quran quickly and precisely to early childhood, and the basic concepts of Al-Quran learning for early childhood. The topics covered include: Baghdadiyah approach, Shautiyah approach, eclectic approach, types of shautiyah methods. The characteristics of Arabic letters include discussion of: Hijaiyah letters, standing alone, at the beginning, in the middle, and at the end; Practice the Fast learning of Bil-Hikmah Part I, Practice the Fast learning of Bil-Hikmah Part II, Practice the Fast learning of Bil-Hikmah Part III, Practice the Fast learning of Bil-Hikmah Part IV, Practice the Fast learning of Iqro 1-2, Practice the Fast learning of Iqro 2-3, Practice the Fast learning of Iqro 3-4, Practice the Fast learning of Iqro 5-6

This course contains the importance of computer learning for early childhood, analyzing the benefits of computer learning in facilitating aspects of child development, knowing computer-based learning models for early childhood, understanding the procedures for developing computer learning programs for early childhood, creating areas for computer learning for early childhood and reviewing innovations in computer learning programs for early childhood, and being able to apply them in learning practices in Early Childhood Education institutions.

Teaching Local Language to Young Learners is one of the Elective Courses in the Early Childhood Teacher Education Study Program FIP UPI. The course materials lead to the formation of knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards local languages ​​as a mother tongue and as a language of instruction in early childhood. The basic materials discussed are (1) language, (2) literature, (3) language skills, and (4) learning local languages ​​for early childhood.


This course contains the nature of early childhood education management, the scope of early childhood education management and its elements, management models/strategies/approaches in early childhood education, especially the TQM model, influencing factors and problems in education management, early childhood education, early childhood education management performance assessment, and early childhood education management profile in Indonesia and abroad.

This course discusses about the strategically important position of early childhood education and care in the holistic framework of educational settings, including the community scope. Also, in aim to help the community to be aware of the urgencies of early childhood education and care with its dynamics, this course explains the action plan to raise the community’s awareness and the importance of their role in supporting the early childhood education implementation with the ideal that Indonesian children will be more intelligent, pious, and develop all their potential, in which will positively contribute to the nation’s development.

This course is an elective course for students of the Teacher of Early Childhood Education Study Program at the bachelor degree. The skills that are expected to be mastered are in the concepts, theories and practices related to supervision in the ECE scope. The main points of the materials include: rationale/arguments for the importance of supervision in ECE, the concept of ECE supervision, the objectives of ECE supervision, the scope of ECE supervision, the principles of ECE supervision, ECE supervision techniques, steps for implementing supervision, ways to assess the performance of ECE supervision, and the development of ECE supervision programs. The assessment includes mastery of concepts and theories and the ability to develop a supervision program in ECE.

This course discusses topics regarding various theoretical and practical studies related to the concept of family and early childhood care, family concept, history of family, parenting concept and theory, parenting development in Indonesia, motherhood, fatherhood & tradition extended family involvement, competence and skills to be an effective parent, family health, parenting models and strategies, social influence, culture, religion in parenting, diversity of family situations, problems in parenting, and designing parent involvement programs in ECE and community.

This is an elective course for students of PGPAUD Study Program at the undergraduate level. The skills that the expected to be mastered are the concepts, theories, and practices related to leadership in ECE setting. The main points of the course are: the arguments for the importance of leadership in ECE units, limitations of leadership in ECE units, leadership goals in ECE units, scope of leadership in ECE units, effective leadership criteria in ECE units, leadership competition in ECE units, preparation of leadership programs in ECE units, and also the strengths and weaknesses of leadership in ECE units. The assessment includes mastery of concepts or theories and the ability to analyze leadership tasks in ECE units.

This is a study program elective course that covers: the conceptual knowledge of public policy in the education sector, especially in the field of early childhood education, substantial and procedural knowledge related to the laws and regulations governing early childhood education and derivatives of its operationalization policies, procedural knowledge of policy implementation especially in the context of regional autonomy and educational units, procedural knowledge related to policy analysis and monitoring of policy performance evaluation, and also procedural knowledge of policy analysis in reviewing forms of ECE policy. The learning process in this course emphasizes student activities through discussion or problem-solving activities and optimizes the search for relevant and up-to-date learning resources, including browsing for results on websites on the internet. Discussion of problems is carried out jointly by lecturers and students.

This program is a compulsory course for all students at the undergraduate level which aims to develop the academic abilities of the educational profession.

This course is a media for the practice of educational students, namely those who practice at school and practice in educational units or educational institutions. Through PPLSP, students are required to apply and integrate academic knowledge and skills that have been obtained from courses, so that they become an academic experience in teaching and non-teaching educational practices that are systemic according to level 6 learning outcomes as a complete personal behavior pattern. This activity consists of the following stages: Pre-Field Activities, the process of field introduction activities for education units, implementation of supervision for field introductions for education units, activity reporting, and post proposal.