Webinar Internasional: Bilingual Conference Etnoparenting Judul Kegiatan: Peran Etnoparenting dalam Mempersiapkan Generasi di Era Global

Take part in the international webinar “Bilingual Conference Etnoparenting: The Ethnoparenting Role to Prepare Global Generation” organized by the Center for Excellence in Etnoparenting, Indonesian Education University (UPI) in collaboration with ECEPA and Cakrawala Dini, Journal of Early Childhood Education. This event will take place on Friday, July 19 2024, 08.00-15.00 WIB via Zoom Meeting.

Keynote Speaker:

  1. Dr. Lee Shan Tse (Cambridge University, United Kingdom)
  2. Hui Hua Chen, Ph.D (National Dong Hwa University, Taiwan)
  3. Yeni Rachmawati, M.Pd., Ph.D (PGPAUD UPI)
  4. Catherine Compton-Lilly, Ed.D  (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
  5. Dr. Aan Listiana, M.Pd (PGPAUD UPI)
  6. Ria Novianti, M.Pd  (Riau University)
  7. Murni Sianturi, M.Ed (University of New South Wales, Australia)
  8. Dr. Phil. Leli Kurniawati, M. Mus (PGPAUD UPI)

Webinar Topics:

  1. Local Wisdom and Globalization
  2. Challenges of Caring for Indonesian Families in the Global Era
  3. Parenting in Multi-Cultural, Multi-Ethnic, Multi-National Families
  4. Culture-Based Child Care in Certain Ethnicities
  5. Traditional Family Games
  6. Fulfillment of Food and Nutrition Based on Local Wisdom
  7. Mother tongue
  8. Traditions of Thanksgiving and Congratulations During Pregnancy and Birth
  9. Lullabies from Each Region
  10. Bedtime Stories
  11. Family Education Based on Local Wisdom
  12. Traditional Arts in the Family
  13. Family Philosophy Based on Local Wisdom
  14. Parenting Topics and Other Local Wisdom


  • 10 Juli 2024: Akhir Pendaftaran & Pengumpulan Abstrak
  • 15 Juli 2024: Akhir Pengumpulan Makalah
  • 19 Juli 2024: Presentas

Registration link: s.id/register-BCEtnoparenting

Registration fee:

  • Participants: Free
  • Presenter: IDR 300,000
  • Publication in Proceedings of Etnoparenting: Rp. 100,000
  • Publication in Journals: IDR 500,000 (Int. Journal of ECEPA or Jurnal Cakrawala Dini Sinta 3)

Transfer Fees to:

  • Account Number: 333 90 333.97 (BSI Bank)
  • On behalf of: Ethnoparenting Center of Excellence

Register yourself immediately and join this international webinar to enrich your knowledge and insight about the role of ethnoparenting in preparing generations in the global era.

Posted in Artikel.